Voodoo repeats, a lead pipe cinch for season championship (jinx, jinx, jinx). Even with a leaky Garcia, Voodoo held on to win the Open with a score of 1121. He was followed closely by talonflier at 1125, then Boca at 1137, and Rob bringing up the rear at 1148. Season totals going into the PGA start with the Balkan-Cajun at 3473 and in total control (oxymoronic for that genetic combo), lagging in second is talonflier at 3505, limping in third is the Bandit at 3509, and flaccid in fourth is da Rodent at 3530. It would take a Van de velde kind of collapse by the professor to allow me to make up 32 points (jinx, jinx, jinx, hex, jinx). Voodoo has $80 (2 wins) and has his entry paid, Rodent has $40 (1 win) , bandit and talonflier have zero skins.
Ahhh, the sweet smell of success!!!
Well-deserved, I think you are a destined for an unstoppable victory...it is unavoidable..even the Gods could not change the outcome...collocated lightning strikes are more likely than any possible obstacle to your dominance...it is in the cards...you laugh at Murphy...(tee-hee, jinx, tee-hee).
Ain't you supposed to be in class instead of gloating.
I have flextime.
Since Voodoo appears to have the mojo working with these majors sidebets, I think he would be wise to select 6 guys from his FPGP team in the PGA. With Voodoo's Majors' Magic, this tactic might propell his team into the FPGP money circle.
Of course, there might not be 6 of those miserable stiffs - who finally broke the Mendoza Line this weekend - teeing it up at the PGA.
How about it Stevie V., do you have the brass balls to make such a bold move in the PGA?
Flextime. That's a good one. Sits in the parlor. Moves to the porch to have a glass(es) of wine and a cigar. Back to the living room. Once more to the porch to have a glass(es) of wine and to finish the cigar. Yea, yea, Flextime.
Are you watching my house? Stay away!!!
Be kind to Voodoo, Dr Albert Ellis died yesterday at the age of 93. The father of cognitive emotive therapy is the only PhD who could curse and denegrate clients to tears on par with the Voodoo master. He must have been Voodoo's zen master. In the words of Ellis, "I ain't just shitifying the point either!"
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