Regarding the recent success of Corey Pavin and his wife Lisa's pregnancy, I find MG's "estrogen factor" to be an interesting hypothesis. I will research and try to correlate money list earnings with months of spousal pregnancy. She could be onto some new FPGP strateegery (sic) here. Though I certainly wish Corey and his wife a happy and healthy pregnancy, I am not buying the "baby needs a new pair of shoes" appeal...he must shoot 80. It is obvious with the advanced age of his impending fatherhood and the fact he is still lingering on the PGA Tour, he has failed to embrace Erik Erikson's theory of healthy stage maturity and acceptance. Move on Corey, take the year off, your going to need the rest. FPGPers, chime in with your individual best round, lowest handicap examples during your wife's pregnancy.
Damn, I gave away my secret. Well, it's a bit more encompassing than just pregnancy. Good things happen during pregnancy/the first year of parenthood. It's a well-known phenomenon widely accepted by all carneys on Tour.
Case in point, although there are many other examples: Jeff Ogilvy, Zach Johnson, Tiger, Phil, JG, Ben Curtis, Rod Pampling, Brett Quigley, Sean O'Hair, Heath Slocum. Brian Bateman (soon to be father) is currently 4th at Buick.
So, either the 'baby factor'-- responsibility of impending parenthood -- is an impetus for success OR there's just a ton of babies born on Tour. I haven't the ability to decipher the two, because I haven't been to Starbucks yet this morning.
Hmmmm... I have yet to knock up my wife, so I don't have a best round while she's pregnant. Best round while we've been married... 69. Current GHIN is 2.6. Best round before I met my wife... 67. Lowest GHIN, 0.4 BW (before wife).
This could serve as an excellent baseline for your study, going forward. We'll need to find a way to factor out the bastardly covariate of age... Certainly not getting any younger (healthier, stronger, thinner, more active... you get the point).
Interesting theory but here are some possible caveats as they relate to FPGPers---
Robbo has gotten worse since his child was born (quite an accomplishment to be sure)
Joel's performance on the course is connected to beer intake (MBP) and the physical attractiveness of the cart girl. According to Rob, the last time they played Joel flew past the MBP line couldn't remember the name of his child --- and Joel won!
No children for me and I've played better the last 2 years than ever before (from the Whites, of course).
Da Bandit's (sans offspring) play is random; a true crap shoot. His contention is that it's based on whether or not he got a "woody" the night before (like I said, random).
Talonflier's golfing success is due to the amount of sleep he's managed to get (naps at work count) and the cash he's amassed from taxpayers for "crucial" military projects
Johnny V's play is based on how much $$$/pressure is on the line (generally the more the better) and the receptivity of the cart girl.
Interesting analysis... I'd add that Shades plays well when it is going well, but frustrates pretty easy. His fuses is as short as his overall stature.
I'd add another factor to Joel's play... the quality and number of homes surrounding the golf course. He is not a big fan of overt wealth, and the site of huge mansions along the fairways disturbs him greatly.
Congrats to both of you on your conception, and hopefully a tour win today...
I played one of my finer rounds just after the birth of my son. That was 2 days after and with NT. He was rattled, but I was as calm and smooth as butter on hot toast. But yes, the fuse is short although I don't toss the club much, if at all, anymore.
As for the pregnancy on tour. Maybe it's the drinks on the tee boxes.. or just too many tour players walking out of the shower and asking their wives if they want to see his driver??
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