Regarding the recent success of Corey Pavin and his wife Lisa's pregnancy, I find MG's "estrogen factor" to be an interesting hypothesis. I will research and try to correlate money list earnings with months of spousal pregnancy. She could be onto some new FPGP strateegery (sic) here. Though I certainly wish Corey and his wife a happy and healthy pregnancy, I am not buying the "baby needs a new pair of shoes" appeal...he must shoot 80. It is obvious with the advanced age of his impending fatherhood and the fact he is still lingering on the PGA Tour, he has failed to embrace Erik Erikson's theory of healthy stage maturity and acceptance. Move on Corey, take the year off, your going to need the rest. FPGPers, chime in with your individual best round, lowest handicap examples during your wife's pregnancy.