Or how about eating less cheese fries at Outback? Maybe just go with the salad with grilled chicken, hold the cheese on the side though. Couch, how is it that you can have some decent (let's not get too excited) stats, another exempt year under your belt (which is stretched), and are playing in some of the, should I say, not-so-strong fields as compared to years past, yet you still can't make any money on tour. But one need only look at the sphere protruding out above your belt to know that maybe sit-ups could be the answer. And some of us who defend golfers AS athletes have to only look at the picture to understand why the argument exists.
Dear Mr. Shades,
You stick me on a team with 3 stiffs who didn't post a top 20 last year and didn't earn a combined $200,000 and I'm supposed to be motivated? What kind of coach are you? If you can break away from your hectic schedule and do some homework, you will see that I made 75 % of my money with 1 victory. I would advise patience.
While I'm at it, instead of gawking at me and putting my eating habits under a microscope, why don't you perform a public service and get off your lazy ass to update the FPGP scoreboard.
Well said CC... I would venture that this little diatribe took longer than it takes to update the scoreboard.
For the record, if any of you "still need to make a trade" people want the spreadsheet, let me know and I will email it to you.
You tell him Bandit!!
Well for starters, the stats page, and sidebar with individual and team scores was updated 12 hours before your response. So as far as getting off my "lazy" ass, I did, but you must have been to "lazy" to notice. As for who I stuck Mr. "Don't Call Me Tim" Couch with, he was picked because of his decent stats, ability to play in more top events due to his win in 2006, and his supposedly favorable money list rating for making much of his money in 1 event. I could only imagine that he would make more given the opportunity to play in more events and better pursed events. Unfortunately, I did miss out on the Kuchar pick, otherwise my team would too be based on the one-trick pony pick that is Matt Kuchar. For that Kuchar pick accounts for nearly 50% of your points. So I guess the other 9 picks were no better than most of mine.
Shades lecturing Bandit on the FPGP is like me lecturing Phil Mickelson on the finer points of the flop shot.
Quit while you are way behind Shades...
Now that is how a blog war is supposed to roll. I, being in the Matt Kuchar fan club, am OK with being a one trick pony as opposed to the jackass that pulls the tent stakes tight. Hee-haw, hee-haw!
I'll argue a valid point as long as necessary. How pointing out that team totals and the player stat page wasn't posted, when it was, is not the same as the flop shot. And if you are implying that my Kuchar comment is wrong, then do the math. 368 total pts for Da Bandit. 180 of those points are for Kuchar. If that's not close to 50% then please help me do the math. Is it a one trick pony? Well it wasn't a blind luck pick, as he did win on the PGA Tour before, but did he know in advance that he would account for close to 50% of his points when he picked him in December '06? If so, then what are the Powerball numbers for Wednesday. I have in no way said that any of my picks were sure things, including Couch, but I certainly don't think he was the among the worst picks prior to the season starting. He may turn out to be though. As for Bandit's notion that I put him on a team with 3 stiffs, that's right, but adding DiMarco to my team would have made it 4.
Hey, it could be worse, you coulda picked Mary Kaye.
Well, objectively your point is not valid, but I am sure you'll keep spinning your wheels nonetheless.
First, you already have a "one trick pony" team. More than 50% of your points come from Kevin Na.
Second, comparing your pick strategies with Bandit's is like comparing my lob shot prowess to Mickelson's... He's won over $2,000 in this thing over the years, and you've yet to cash for a single penny. Some say "those who can't do... teach." I'd prefer "those who can't do, shouldn't lecture those who can do."
Finally, there is an objective way to think of "who was among the worst picks at the beginning of the season" and that is to see how many FPGPers actually picked them... No one else has Kuehne, Perks, Gutchek, or Couch. Considering those picks add a whoping -72 to your total, you may want to reconsider the lecture one more time, especially since Perks and Keuhne are only "positive" because of a technicality.
Still, the season is still a long way from over, and nothing is settled yet. You have more "scratch tickets" than the leaders, but you'll probably need to hit at least two of them really hard to get back into it.
Also, I think DiMarco is going to do pretty well the rest of 2007. I hope so since he's on my squad.
Well, not only that but DiMarco was not nearly the stretch that the likes of the the Kuehnes and Gutcheks of the world.
My biggest FPGP fear is that Bandit will hold DiMarco and he'll catch fire. If holding Leonard over Dimarco costs me this thing, there may be a dead midget golfer in Dallas this winter. That said, watch out for a top 10 finish by JL this weekend...
Wow! This thread is great comic relief as I sweat 'what to do' as the trade deadline approaches. Do I risk bringing a Carl Pavano aboard for the stretch as I seek to find a second trick, (although I think we can agree that young Mr. Na is not too shabby as a second act this year)? Will my trade rival last year's Singh for Mediate boo boo? Very stressful.
If memory serves me correct, Matt K., and his then FPGP sponsors, was one of the first objects of FPGP derision as he flashed that inimitable smile while posting 75-78 and out on a consistent basis a few years ago. You have to be proud of him as he has fought through the verbal mockery to become a premier FPGP player!
Thanks for the analysis StevieV. I think you just helped me come to a decision. :-)
Just "stand pat" and you'll be fine...
make sure you email me your trade by the end of the day today, if you want it effective for the Colonial.
You know what would be a huge bandit move??? If you dumped Dimarco for Leanord. You'd jump in to the lead, and lock me up on my biggest "potential" player.
DiMarco for JG would also be a move... but one you would have made a month ago if you were going to do it.
Well, NT, I like your analysis and can not argue with it. But as for this blog post, my message is simple... Couch you suck. Hit the gym and the practice range.
As for the purpose of the post, it was always about Couch, but somehow Bandit couldn't argue about him with out bringing up my other poor picks. As if they have some input on how Couch plays. But using his logic, if Couch does well in the 2nd half, then I guess Perks and Kuehne will do so too.
Jeeezus Shades, relax. Grab a rum and coke quick or go to the beach or both! :-)
If you keep pursuing this point, even I might start to believe that Couch's poor play is a direct result of his knowledge that he's stuck on an underperforming golf pool team with Perks, Kuehne, Schultz and Gutchek (Thanks for the reminder NT).
Maybe this is another confirmation of the efficacy of magical thinking by fans!
Ladies (certainly no offense to you MG), puulleazzzee....all this bickering I feel like I'm in an LPGA locker room!!!! :-) hehehehehehe
Keep it going, it is hilarious!!
"if Couch does well in the 2nd half, then I guess Perks and Kuehne will do so too."
I would never, ever make a statement like that. I stick to my recent post that Perks couldn't finish in the Top Ten in an amateur tournament in Poland. For that matter, I'll throw in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania for good measure. He might be able to pull it off in one of the "stan" countries.
New Tex, I assume you got my trade to go in for this week. I hope I'm a better GM than the former Celtic greats. :-)
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