Saturday, March 17, 2007

There may be a Hank Kuehne sighting in a few days.

My boy, Hank, is listed in the field for next weeks Nationwide tour. While not the PGA tour, it does mean that Hank is alive and able to swing a golf club. Given the quality of my team this is a very nice baby step. And how funny that another of my guys is playing there too, Craig Perks. One guy to watch is Kevin Gessino-Kraft. I've seen "Krafty" play a couple of times. He's got some game.

And that was you Nationwide Tour Update.


New Texan said...

you are reeeeeealy reaching!

JS said...

It's all I've got. Axley makes a cut and barely breaks 80 on the weekends. Couch makes every other cut, but then fades. O'hair finally puts it together to make a cut and then fades. Gut-checkski is MIA and that's on the days he plays. And Micheel plays well just to put the icing on the cake.

New Texan said...

that nationwide event is actually in a couple weeks... they are off this week. plenty of time for ol' hank to reinjure that back!