Coincidentally, I learned about this product when a colleague who works offsite brought it to our editorial meetings. When she placed it on the table with her other stuff - sans banana - there was more interest in speculating what it might be than in the poor bastard's presentation who was speaking.
Banana Guard has Banana Bunker beat with its colours of Ravishing Red, Outrageous Orange, Sublime Green - hell, they even have a Glow in the Dark to capture one's fancy.
Technology at its finest and the marketing to back it up.
Dude. Seriously.
No kidding. Here's a thought... if you put a few bananas in your bag for in-round snacks... uh... eat them.
Coincidentally, I learned about this product when a colleague who works offsite brought it to our editorial meetings. When she placed it on the table with her other stuff - sans banana - there was more interest in speculating what it might be than in the poor bastard's presentation who was speaking.
Banana Guard has Banana Bunker beat with its colours of Ravishing Red, Outrageous Orange, Sublime Green - hell, they even have a Glow in the Dark to capture one's fancy.
Technology at its finest and the marketing to back it up.
Are you happy to see me or is that a Banana Bunker in your pocket?
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