I need to do much better homework for next year. I've rested on my early laurels in this pool, but after not cashing in 3 years, this shit has to stop. What the fuck was I thinking with the Mahan/Trahan combo? That their fucking names kinda rhymed and it would look like genius if they actually did anything? I am an idiot.
Good coaching job, New Texan! I see the dude is tied for the lead as I write this. Your public tongue lashing must have worked and he finally responded. In all seriousness, I watched him on the range at The Honda and he is a good ball striker. I almost took him myself. Great coaching psychology! :-)
Golf World: Hunter, how do you feel about today's round, and your position going into Sunday?
Hunter Mahan: Dude, I am totally stoked. It was just rad out there man... I kept hitting the ball right at the flag, like all day. Gonna go nosh on some chips and salsa now... catch ya later.
Boca... he is a very good ball-striker... I had the "pleasure" of playing in the group in front of him during a PubLinks qualifier... since it was about a 6 hour round, I pretty much saw all his approach shots, and he was all over the pin that day... I think he kicked in a 68, without much effort... that was the summer after his frosh year at Okl State.
Nice work today hunter... dickhead.
Yeah, if we expand our pool to include the European, Nationwide, Korean, and LPGA, she may be a good pick, as she is likely to continue to get starts on all of those tours.
I didn't want to mention this during the tourney, and don't feel at all like you have to respond... but I was even more pissed this week about the attention she was getting because it seemed like the defending champ (you) did not get a bit of ink. That, in my opinion, is bullshit. Your "story" from last year was every bit as compelling (in fact, way more so... i am being too nice to her this morning) as her's... especially considering her "performance" in the past few events, which if I am thinking correctly was a DNF, DFL and DFL. Whether you put up a strong defense of the title or not, you should have had some press, and I didn't see any (and believe me, I surf the net plenty, and watch ESPN around the clock!).
Not sure if it bugged you... it would be reasonable if it did... in any event, you handled it well.
What's left on the Tour schedule for you this season?
Since it's a bit past due on the blog where this matter comes up, I thought I'd post it here.
Gentlemen, Gentlemen, Michelle Wie was misquoted regarding the Ryder Cup. She actually said
"Hopefully I will be able to play FOR RYDER TRUCK, that would be awesome...to tee it up for those guys against the fellas from U-Haul, Penske, and Budget in their Monday night league."
Good one!
I am still waiting for her porn career to kick off... if Ty Tryon can grow a porn-stache, surely Michelle can do something in that industry.
Well, I am glad the locals realized you were in town!
What's left on the sched?
Vegas and Tampa... we should all have to travel to those places for work! My next few trips include northern New Jersey and Mississippi... although in late October I get some time at an Arizona resort during a conference.
Ok, so let's assume you make both cuts (whoo hoo!!!! :-)) and finish in the top 10 in one and top 20 in another... you end up finising around 100th on the money list. Would you consider this to be a succesful season for yourself? On the one hand, I appreciate the competitive nature of athletes and how you are never satisfied... which is good. But on the other, I could appreciate the "you know, I battled through some injuries, didn't always play great, but proved to myself that I belong on this Tour"... which, by the way, I think is a pretty amazing accomplishment. I'd think that if the cards fell the right way and you do finish inside the top 125, that it would be very satisfying to know that even without your win at the Wooden Bird Classic, you'd have earned another year on Tour.
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