1. Will he make the cut?
2. Will he be the "low Ellis?" As it turns out, there is also a John Ellis in the field, although he has no info. available on PGAtour.com.
3. Will his play make us forget Jason Gore?
Time will tell...
A couple quick thoughts:
I noticed that Tiger is not playing this week. How does he skip the AT&T? That makes no sense to me at all.
I see that Jumpin' Jeff's trade-pick, Greg Owen, is in the field. Turns out that Owen finished 3rd in this event last year, and netted almost 30% of his entire 2005 earnings here. For Jeff's sake, he better have a good week or he may end up giving us old FPGPers reason to forget the Garbriel Hjerstatdt trade.
I read that Owen may be playing hurt. He wrenched his back a few weeks ago and has yet to fully recover. Some news I wish I had found about a week ago.
Fear not jeff... if we can get the FPGP to double in size next year (a reasonable goal), I considered having a $100 prize for last place... that way there is max interest for the entire year.
Just keep pickin' 'em like you do... it may work out next year!
commish... i think the q school guys are on the bottom of the feeding chart... you have 125 guys who are exempt from the tour last year, the top 20 from nationwide... that is 145. Most tourneys tee off w/ 154 players, leaving 9 slots for 30 guys from q school.
Excaliber's question has the distinct ring of whine to it. Hey Da Former Commish, why don't you go on the Tour Leader's website and suggest to him that he start giving more blowjobs to tournament sponsors, like he probably did this week. Just give him some extra encouragement - tell him that you understand Clemson Tiger athletes excel at that.
Wow, da Bandit comes out with both barrels ablaze!!!Lotta balls for a guy who just enered positive numbers.
Steve V.
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