So, I was checking the Hope field this a.m. to see if Tiger Philp's 2nd sleeper, Danny Ellis made it into the field. From my reading earlier in the week, he was 1st alternate, and I just assumed he was in. Well, he wasn't. I checked the field, and his name wasn't listed as in or on the alternate list. I checked the tee-times and also couldn't find him. This was going to lead me to the obligatory "Have You Seen Me?" post with this picture of him.
Not satisfied, I performed further due diligence on the topic... I thought his name was familiar, so I checked his player profile out on PGAtour.com. Turns out this fucker went to Clemson! I knew it sounded familiar. I can't throw stones because I also have a Tiger on my list, so ok... fine. But then I stumbled upon the Danny Ellis Webpage.
The splash page welcomes you to "The Official Site of PGA Tour Star Danny Ellis."
Tour Star? Really? Here is what his media guide lists as his career accomplishments on the PGA Tour:
His best finish on the PGA TOUR was T6th in 2001 at the National Car Rental Golf Classic Disney.
He ranks T60th in Consecutive Cuts on the PGA TOUR.
That's it. Perhaps they could add something like
Falls between Steve Elkington and Ernie Els on the alphabetic PGA Tour roster.
This reminds me of the old PUJ website we used to make fun of... remember that one? He would always talk about dinner with Jesper, hanging with Jesper, missing cuts and watching Jesper play... it was quite ridiculous really. I only wish Danny Ellis updated his web page more often (one of the top links is a story from 2004), but then again he doesn't really have a lot to say.
That must be an old site or one he hasn't updated in some time. The news on the front page of the site say that he "Hopes for a strong finish in 2004". It is 2006 right?
I know... but at what point was he a "PGA TOUR STAR?" I could see if someone like Lee Janzen had an old web site that said that, but a guy who has his best career finish as a 6th at Disney in a weak field... he barely qualifies as a "star."
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