Monday, November 03, 2008

The Penultimate Update

Bandit makes late season charge!!!

Imagine my surprise this morning when I did the update and saw these results... I've barely watched / followed golf over the last month or so.

434 ... Tev
397 ... Bandit
393 ... Steve T. / Tex
357 ... Shane/Jay
347 ... Jeff / Shades
260 ... Shize
248 ... Stevie V.
227 ... Vic
200 ... MG
197 ... Stan the Man
182 ... Johnny V.
131 ... Excal
120 ... CASWAS
56 ... Robbo
1 ... DTM
-59 ... David / Mark
-211 .... Ryan


bocabandit said...

I'll have all my sports cliches ready after the marathon ends. Could be dramatic... but probably won't.

New Texan said...

Can't wait.

I'm completely screwed... the only player I have in the Disney field is Woody Austin, my short pick. WTF? The little shithead has been playing all fall!

New Texan said...

Scratch that... I have Frank Lickliter in the field.

I'm pinning my hopes on Frank Lickliter.
